Thursday, October 27, 2011

Epitome of...something, I'm sure of it!

Exciting news! Clay has perfect vision! I know, that may not be as exciting to those of you without children, and even those of you with kids already, you probably don't think that's as awesome as I do. BUT, the fact is, Clint and I are mostly blind. Turns out, that mess is hereditary! If I wasn't there when Clay was born, and he wasn't identical to Clint, I'd say he wasn't ours.

In other news, Will didn't feel great today, and I didn't either. We've been awake a lot of the last two nights, either stressing PT tests or dealing with coughing and mucous. (Oh the joys of mommy-dom)! So we stayed home today, so Will could sleep, and I could prevent myself from inevitably strangling a co-worker.

We picked up Clay after school and ate Chik-fil-a. (Don't judge me--I'm doing the best I can. Kids can eat fast food every now and then). Now I'm staring at the kids, because we haven't been home from all our activities this early in ages. I don't even know what to do with them. I know I have homework to do, but I don't wanna. I know they've got homework to do, but again, I don't wanna. Blerg.

The awesome thing is that our squadron holiday party is coming up, and it's formal wear! And Clint should be here by then, so we can go together. It's at the Hilton, so we're going to reserve a room after, and Jillian is going to keep the boys. I can't wait! I'm really looking forward to a dressy date night with my sexy man. :)

Someone bring me a pizza and an US Weekly!

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