Monday, January 2, 2012


So, here we are, 2012. If you'd asked me two months ago, I'd have sworn there was no way I'd start this year alone, but here I am. It's still a shock, and I'm having a hard time processing the idea that he's never coming back. Every now and then, it makes me wonder, because if he can hate me so much now, how did he ever really love me to begin?

I guess I'll figure all that out. One day. In the meantime, I'm doing ok. I'm starting my final semester of college, I've applied for graduation, I'm looking for new places for the boys and I to live, and I'm teaching classes at the Y regularly. The other awesome part is that there is the opportunity to teach other classes soon, and perhaps get on at some other gyms. I'm excited to put my life back together, at least as much as I can, and to take steps forward. It's not what I imagined for me, or my children, and it's still not what I wanted, but I'll get there.

One day at a time...right guys?

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