Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just, wow.

Ok, it's time to update. I've been behind. I've reconsidered my Palace Chase application. This has been primarily based on the fact that Clint has conceded his fight for full custody. Under our current agreement, which will hopefully be finalized next week, the kids will live with me during the school year, and with him in the summer. As such, I don't need to move immediately back to Maryland, but it would be nice.

Heath lives in MD, and I'd love to be near him regularly, but I can't move there right now. His response? He's trying to move here. He's actually pretty incredible. I had to take a trip up there in March for a week, and we spent a lot of it (ok, most of it) together. I really, really like him. I feel a bit foolish, because I just ended a long term relationship, though to be fair, I've been learning more and more that it was actually over for a long time.

This is going to sound absolutely absurd, but I'm certain that if we live near each other (and maybe if we don't), and I keep dating him, he's absolutely going to ask me to marry him. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Ok, honestly, I'm elated. I adore him, and he wants me to actually be me. When he gets around to asking, I'm certain as to how I'll answer. (OMG, wow, I just admitted that).

At any rate, life is good. I'm a month from college graduation, I've got two beautiful boys that I love, and who love me as sweetly as possible, I'm running and healthy, and I have a wonderful man in my life. The road is endless... :)

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