Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today, I have more good days than bad days. We've officially filed for divorce, and we've found we agree on most things except with whom the children should be. Hopefully we'll be able to settle something when he comes down next weekend. It promises to be an event--he's flying in on our sixth anniversary, which is a bit icky to me. But the 19th is Will's birthday, so he'll be here for that, which I think is a positive thing. We'll see how it goes. Trying for friendly.

In other news, I've applied to go AF reserves. It would let me move back to MD and have a contractor job, making it easier for Clint and I to share time with the boys, me to have a better support system, and letting me work to figure out how to get my DPT. (That's doctorate in physical therapy, for those of you who don't habla. :)) I'm excited about changes in my life. If I don't get approved for reserves, and have to stay active duty, then I'll be in TX a while longer. That's ok too, but I'd like to get back to some stability.

Kind of strangely, I've spent the last month reconnecting with someone I met years ago (we'll call him Heath). I'm grateful for the chance to get to know Heath, and excited about the friendship that we're developing. I've also had a really good time learning who my first ever best friend has become. After I left for the military and got married and all, we spoke only sporadically. She's been a HUGE support for me in this divorce, and it turns out that while we were taking different paths, we ended up being so similar still, and we're still best friends after all these years!

More to come...